
Sunday, January 22, 2012

My Dog's Silver Platter

You see, she's been living in high style for some time, eating off a silver platter. Literally.

However, the platter sits up just high enough that the cabinet doors cannot open without moving the tray every. single. time.

Enough already! Insert a 90 cent thrifted cookie sheet that I spray painted, put slider footsies on, and viola! 

Not to mention some very well scrubbed doggie dishes.

What a simple fix! But, isn't it the simplest ones that pass me by? - I'm always thinking of the grander, more fun things to do. No more kicking sliding the dishes around to open the doors! And, it looks so much fresher too with a bit more white in this room! 

Hhhhmmm, is it okay to spray paint dog dishes? 
[Probably not, toxicity and all.]

And guess what?! HR then decided to tackle the tarnished and grimy silver platter project. That was not on my hit list for today, but I have learned to never stop cleaning-motivation-in-motion when it's a 12 year old boy. Well, lets just say that any project that involves combining kitchen ingredients with a bang or fizz - that's all the incentive needed! And, thankfully this was no bang and all fizz!

Baking soda, meet vinegar. And, a bit of elbow grease. For over an hour.

Ya know, that silver platter has seen a lot of use in this house...

(Read baby bottle holder post here -- from way back when)

Back to the subject at hand: after all the hard work, he then practiced setting the newly revived silver platter for serving someone special. When asked why, he explained it was "just for practice". Hhhmmm... during the cleaning he also asked me how far away Valentine's Day was, AND could I pull out my pancake recipe. I'm channeling breakfast in bed for mom, breakfast in bed for mom, breakfast in bed for mom....

Linking up to

ThriftyThurs Thrifty Thursday Week 58       


  1. Awwww - I hope you do get breakfast in bed. But I want to know if the dogs are upset about losing their silver platter.

  2. Ok the dog food idea is BRILLIANT! We have to move the water dish from in the kitchen to the closed off sunroom (so the one year old doesn't take a bath in it...) and this would solve the problem! Thanks for sharing at Thrifty Thursday! hope to see you again this week!


Comments, thoughts, jabber, chit-chat - I appreciate it all and will always do my best to catch up with you too.