
Friday, January 27, 2012

Homemade Love Buffet Display

The house is in disarray, but I can't complain! Our master bath finally has a shower! { Who EVER came up with a powder room for the master bathroom in the 70's ranch era? }

I can't use the shower quite yet, and the entryway looks like this (we stole the entry closet for the shower).

Right now, I'm having a Mental Party I tell ya! Going crazy with dust, mess and unfinished business of renovation. All a part of the process, which has moved along nicely, yet {{sigh}}, I am ready to be done, ladies.

In the midst of all this, up pops Beth's Valentine's Day Mantel Party. If I ever needed a reason to pull something together that is pleasing to look at, it's now. Thanks to Beth, I was encouraged to do just that, right next to the not so done stuff.

I shopped the house, there's nothing new in this buffet display, and dusted the greetings of construction off everything. 

A birdcage from Micheal's dollar section two years ago, perched on antique books about storefront window dressing. 

A bird to remind me that Spring is coming - oh how I long to hear their delightful songs early in the morning.

Hand thrown pottery lovingly made and gifted by my mom. These are definitely unique pieces and I treasure them. Besides, they prove themselves useful around the house over and over again.

After home school lessons were done, I told HR that I wanted some hearts for decorating. He drew and cut out each one of these hearts, and then we added the red thread. I just love the pencil marks and quirky scissor cuts. The white frame is something my son and I built from scraps and crackle glazed years ago, before we realized just how hard hit we were with the decor bug. We had made it to frame the builder grade mirror in the rented townhouse, where it hung with screw eyes and ribbon.

The heating grate in the background is from the old farmhouse I grew up in. It was built in the 1800's by my great, great, great-something-or-other grandfather who homesteaded the farm. It is my dream to one day live there again and display the grate in the home it belongs. Dreams... it's a good rainy day for dreaming.

The grapevine wreath is a creation of one of my brothers. He hiked into the woods on the farm, pulled down vines from the trees - a not so easy task - and wove the wreaths. I snagged two for me and ordered several more for Christmas gifts that year. 

Free, inviting, and heartwarming. Perfect, no. But, it is dusted and a reminder that this too shall pass and our home will return to a cleaner and more complete state. Thanks again, Beth, for inviting me to participate and share some mantel love. I sure needed the encouragement of my buffet mantel this week! And, even more so, the enjoyment of peaking at the other lovingly created mantels on display!

Visit Beth at Home Stories A to Z 
for even more mantels to make your heart go thump!

And head on over to Flaunt it Friday.


  1. Yay! Spring is coming. I your display. I just bought a birdcage at Ross was thinking of hanging it, but displaying it on books is really cute....mONICa

  2. Monica, a birdcage is perfect for spring - and any other time of year too, in my humble opinion. I am sure you will enjoy it very much!

  3. Beautiful vignette !! I love that you have the old ceiling grate from where you grew up, too !! And, thanks so much for entering my Kirkland's giveaway ... that place can be dangerous, can't it? LOL. Good luck to you and thanks for your sweet note, as well. *Becca* (now following)


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