
Monday, April 07, 2014

Simple Spring Wreath

The mixture of earthy spring color makes me happy. 

I love how the fresh greens interplay with the dreary browns,
almost making them seem a welcome part of the picture.

Almost as though it doesn't matter that they've weathered the winter
in all their weary brownish colors, and that we've tired of them.
In Spring, they appear new again after all.

This grapevine wreath was made by one of my brothers.

He gathered the vines - no easy task - and artfully wove the
barren tendrils together. 

They are from the beloved farm where I grew up, so with his handiwork and
the bit of home it brings to me, this wreath is special.

And, just like the browns outdoors,
it needed a touch of green,
a touch of softness.
So, a simple velvety and lacy scrap of vintage ribbon was used to hang it.

In the up close photo, the actual twine hanging the wreath can be seen.
The ribbon was layered around the twine to hide it,
being held in place with the hanging nail poking through it.

The extra ribbon was folded over in fine ribbon fashion and hot glued in place.

This angle provides another peek at the trusty twine.

It's Spring - good things are happening!

The simplicity and colors speak to me of the renewal of this season.

Of the faithfulness that is new every morning.

Decor can be simple and still be full of all that speaks to you.

Store-prepared decor is sometimes for the birds;
try switching it up and rely on those items you already have.
By adding a ribbon (or twine!) or simply moving them to a new spot,
they may invoke a fresh, pleasant, and more memorable feeling. 

What easy, creative springtime touches make you the happiest?

Inspiration? Parties and Linkies?
I'm having fun with this post right over here ... join in!


  1. I really do love this! It reminded me of my mother who grew grapes and after the harvest would make lovely wreaths such as this. Gorgeous!

    1. Thanks, Laura. Not many can claim memories of a mother growing grapes - what a neat and special memory to have! Enjoy your spring!


Comments, thoughts, jabber, chit-chat - I appreciate it all and will always do my best to catch up with you too.