
Tuesday, April 01, 2014

Organize the Corner Cupboard

I've begun to understand that I am a square peg!

Things need to fit in their spot just so. Corners must be utilized.
Space shouldn't be wasted, and round containers
don't often maximize space as I feel they should.

Do you feel this way? Surely I am not the only square in the bunch?!

So, for me, square (or rectangular) shaped containers work best for organizing.

But, just like a square peg doesn't fit in a round hole,
a rectangular container doesn't fit so well in a triangular spot!

 I've had to re-evaluate and think outside my comfortable box-shaped box.
After all, I have three of these triangular corner cabinets in my kitchen. Three! Ugh!

After going round and round on this one, and still being disorganized, guess what?

ROUND it is!

Now for all you round pegs out there,
this is not an "aha!" moment for you like it is for me.
But, now I get it - round can work, and work well!

 I'm a rollin' with it and loving it!

These bad boys were 4/$1.00 a couple of summer sales ago.
There is a whole stack of them waiting, waiting, and... waiting (sigh)
for the pool and patio fun to commence when the weather warms up.

Four bowls won't be missed, and I'm liking the pop of turquoise!

A few quick handwritten labels made with scrap paper and a circle punch
were adhered with sticky tack.

The items were placed on the shelves in order from most used to least used, with the most used items being the baggie clips and tablet charger,
both now easily accessible on the bottom shelves.

Could it really by that easy?

The lower cupboard wasn't lucky enough to get in on this
fun round of... well, being round,
BUT it did get re-organized.

Here the angles of the triangle successfully get put to work.

On the top shelf a rectangular basket corrals the pocket camera gear
tucked way into the back corner. It's not used much, so that works well.

The middle shelf holds the heavy battery storage boxes
right where they can easily be slid in and out.
Behind the battery containers there is enough room to store several unopened packs. 
The extra space to the side is good for the kiddos' flashlights,
or for setting something that needs a battery change.

The last shelf shows that by stacking the recipe books a bit away from the back of the cupboard, a perfect spot is created for tucking in the two recipe binders
which are pulled in and out the most frequently.
The front open area just happens to be perfect for the recipe box,
which just so happens to be a rectangle.

All is well in my square little world!

I must say there is nothing super spectacular about this project, except that
it was a great reminder to let go of my self imposed organizing rules.
To get out of my rut, and out of my own way, really.
To use what I had on hand and not to worry about making it perfect.
That organizing is a process, and it may take many tries even on the simplest thing
to get it right, and that's okay!

To see how I've put one of the other two corner cabinets in my kitchen to better use,
you can read about that project here [updated] and here [original].

Do you have triangular storage spaces in your home?
How do you organize and utilize those awkward or hard to reach corners?

Inspiration? Parties and Linkies? I'm having fun with this post right over here ... join in!

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