
Monday, March 12, 2012

St. Patrick's Day Mini Flip Pages for Lapbooking

While charting the lesson course for the week, it seemed appropriate to meander from the schedule and get into the ol' Irish spirit. After a trip to the library for books on the holiday at hand, my son will be putting together a fun lapbook.

After pulling various free lapbook and classroom items from online for coloring, writing,
and other activities, I still had room for something touching on the history in the symbols of the day. Yet, nothing I found - and there is lots of good stuff out there! - quite fit
the bill for this project.

So, I decided to create something of my own. 
And, it's yours for free to use in your lessons if you like!
(Not for use for financial gain.)

These are mini flip pages that can be combined into a mini book and then pasted into the lapbook, or that can be individually used within the lapbook. Simply flip up the paper and write on the back of it, or on the lapbook underneath.

St. Patrick's Day Symbols Mini Flip Pages for Lapbook 

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Sharing this over at Thrifty Thursday.


  1. What a neat idea, Jen! Thanks for sharing ... can you believe it's already St. Patty's Day ?! And, thank you so much for your sweet note about our Easter mantel. Have a great day (and, happily following along via Linky now, too)! xo

  2. Cute. I like that they flip up for writing underneath. I had such a hard time finding good St. Pat's day books. maybe we can just make our own with these!


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