
Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Health Books

A March DIY project review courtesy of Beneath My Heart!!


And it's a Toot Your Horn Tuesday at Silly Little Sparrow.

Although I had more fun and creative projects completed this month which would meet my "Favorite or Best of the Month" criteria, some I haven't even blogged yet (!!!) and this one has already proved so helpful to my family to have completed - no matter how boring it may be.

To recap this post Special Journals and Medical Record Books, all it takes is a mess like this:

along with new three ring binders, a hole punch, and a few forms or hand written notes like these:

to organize the craziness of medical info and insurance records into this:

I decided to label them "Health" so they didn't sound so dreadful and negative. A good choice - seeing the "Health" notebooks on the shelf gives a positive feeling.

Bliss... well, almost.

Then in my quest to clean out and organize my kitchen cubboards, I found this:

Yup, my medicine cabinet. Times three - that's only one shelf  pictured. It was baaaddd. The whole thing would and did crash when one item was removed. More. Than. Once.

All the expired items were tossed into a pile (lots of those):

to be recorded onto loose leaf paper for the (you guessed it) Health notebooks:

I also wrote notes as to what the meds were used for, how well they worked, and if there were any side effects. Some were as old as 2006! Since those were empty, I must have just wanted to keep that info now for a long time, but what a bulky and messy way to keep it!

Then, I blacked out the names and addresses and recycled them:

Until HR saw them (in the recycle bin) and decided to recycle them his own way for whatever various collections he could use them for. Oh, the wonderful ideas of ten year old boys! The bottles are now soaking in water and dish soap as I insisted the labels then be removed.

The new medicine cabinet area is now looking like this:

The area is now higher - out of easy reach. My mom sensors usually start beeping if said ten year old is on the counter trying to find something, so I do feel better about this. And, cleaning out the cubboard afforded one of those important reminder discussions of how not to get or take any medications without parental help.

And the Health books are doing their job well. I had to create a Dental page fast when I had a crown pop off the other day. Bad news: the tooth needs reshaped, and a new crown. Fun!

I haven't yet tried to put documents on a blog for free taking, so if you would like to try these forms and cover/spine templates, please let me know and I can email them to you. All imperfections and adaptations are included! Ha! But, they work and that is what matters!


  1. Arrgh! My comment vanished! Anyhoo, such a great idea! Grab and go to the doc and impress him/her with your attention to detail. Wish i could help with a link to the doc but I've only done a few and can't remember how!

    Thanks for stopping by Nouveau Stitch!

  2. I organized my garage, that's the best I can do for now! Glad you are getting things done.
    thanks for visiting and commenting on my brass fireplace screen. I hope if you do it, you will like it as much as I love mine!
    take care!


Comments, thoughts, jabber, chit-chat - I appreciate it all and will always do my best to catch up with you too.